How to Write a Winning Proposal with ChatGPT?

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Upwork and Fiverr are online marketplaces that connect freelancers and clients for services like writing, programming, design, and more. To win a project on these platforms it is required to submit a proposal that showcases the freelancer’s skills, experience, and understanding of the client’s requirements.

If you don’t know about the exactly features about ChatGPT, then I’ll recommend to go through this article first. 

Can ChatGPT write winning proposals for Upwork and Fiverr?

While ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text. It understands the sequence of the conversation but will it be the 100% perfect tool for writing desired proposals?

To know the exact answer just keep reading so that you can understand it at your best. This is because writing a winning proposal requires a specific level of personalization, research, and suited language so let’s deep down and know what ChatGPT will be able to provide.

How to Write a Proposal with ChatGPT? Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Use ChatGPT as a Starting Point:

ChatGPT can be a great starting point for writing proposals, especially if you run out of attractive words or need inspiration. However, it’s important to remember that the final proposal should be your own work, that fits the specific needs of the client.

2. Customize the Output:

ChatGPT may generate text that is too generic or irrelevant to the project. Therefore, you should customize the output by providing ChatGPT with specific keywords and phrases related to the project to generate more relevant text.

3. Edit and Refine:

Even if you use ChatGPT to generate so many proposals on daily basis, it’s important to edit and refine the text to ensure that it’s clear, concise, and suitable to the project’s needs. It can be checking for grammar and spelling mistakes, formatting, and ensuring that the proposal flows logically.

4. Combine ChatGPT with Other Tools:

ChatGPT can be combined with other tools like Grammarly to improve the quality of your writing. These tools can help you identify issues with word choice, sentence structure, and readability.

5. Remove Plagiarism:

ChatGPT can generate text that may be similar to existing proposals or articles so, it’s important to remove plagiarism after generating a proposal with ChatGPT. You should be sure that your proposal is original and does not violate any copyright laws.

Practical Example:

Here is a real Upwork Job Request:

Screenshot by owner - trendsnfacts
Screenshot by owner – trendsnfacts

I asked ChatGPT to write a proposal for this job and act as a professional graphic designer with 3 years of experience.

“write a proposal for this upwork job request “need a banner designed for the outside of fried chicken fast food restaurant .

the name of the business is ” Loco fried Chicken”

needs to have social media icons .( instagram , tik tok, )

i have a logo already .

the main color is Red with white font .open to ideas , please only apply if you are creative , will not respond to copy and paste replies .

need designed in High Quality .

size will be 13ft by 3 ft”

Act as a professional graphic designer with 3 years of experience”

Screenshot by owner - trendsnfacts
Screenshot by owner – trendsnfacts

ChatGPT’s Response:

“Dear [Client],

I am excited to submit my proposal for the design of a banner for your fast-food restaurant, Loco Fried Chicken. With 3 years of experience in graphic design, I am confident that I have the skills and creativity to deliver a banner that meets your expectations and effectively promotes your brand.

Based on your requirements, I propose the following design concept:

Design Concept:

The banner will feature the Loco Fried Chicken logo prominently, with the main color being red and white font. The logo will be placed in the center of the banner, with social media icons for Instagram and Tik Tok located on either side of the logo. The banner will be designed in high-quality to ensure that it can withstand weather conditions outside.

As a creative graphic designer, I am open to your ideas and suggestions. Please let me know if you have any additional requirements or design preferences. I will work closely with you to create a banner that reflects your brand identity and attracts potential customers.

In terms of size, the banner will be designed to fit the specifications you have provided: 13ft by 3ft. I will ensure that the design is optimized for this size and that all text and graphics are legible and visually appealing from a distance.


  • High-quality banner design in digital format (JPG or PNG)
  • All source files in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator
  • Unlimited revisions until you are satisfied with the design
  • Final design optimized for printing in 13ft by 3ft size


I estimate that the banner design will take 3-4 business days to complete, depending on the complexity of the design and the number of revisions required. I will keep you updated throughout the process and deliver the final design as soon as possible.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I am confident that I can deliver a banner that will effectively promote your business and attract more customers. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Screenshot by owner - trendsnfacts
Screenshot by owner – trendsnfacts

Then I asked ChatGPT to shorten this, then what happened? Take a look!

“Dear [Client],

I am a professional graphic designer with 3 years of experience and I am excited to submit my proposal for your banner design project.

My design concept includes prominently featuring your Loco Fried Chicken logo with social media icons for Instagram and Tik Tok on either side of the logo. The banner will be designed in high-quality and optimized for the 13ft by 3ft size you have requested.

I will provide you with a high-quality digital design file in JPG or PNG format, along with source files in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. I am happy to make unlimited revisions until you are satisfied with the design.

I estimate that the project will take 3-4 business days to complete and will keep you updated throughout the process.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Screenshot by owner - trendsnfacts
Screenshot by owner – trendsnfacts

Aren’t these winning proposals? So, let’s do wonders in the freelancing field and get orders in long queues!

Pros and Cons of Writing Proposals with ChatGPT:


  • ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text, making it a useful tool for generating ideas and inspiration for proposal writing.
  • Freelancers can use ChatGPT to analyze the language used in successful proposals and identify common patterns and techniques used by successful freelancers.
  • ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for improving writing skills and vocabulary.


  • ChatGPT may not be able to capture the specific requirements of each project and client, making it difficult to write personalized and effective proposals.
  • Freelancers may rely too heavily on ChatGPT and fail to develop their own writing skills, which can hurt their chances of winning projects in the long term.
  • ChatGPT may not be able to conduct in-depth research into the client’s background or industry, which can limit the freelancer’s ability to meet his/her proposal to the client’s specific needs.


Final Thoughts:

As ChatGPT can be a useful tool for improving writing skills and generating ideas and inspiration, it cannot replace the personalization, research, and expertise required to write winning proposals for Upwork, Fiverr, and other freelance platforms. Freelancers should focus on developing their own writing skills according to the specific needs of each project and client, and use ChatGPT to generate ideas and inspiration only.

Happy Freelancing with ChatGPT 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Yes, it’s ethical to use ChatGPT to write proposals, as long as you’re not using it to plagiarize content or misrepresent your skills and experience. Using ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for generating ideas and inspiration, but it should be combined with your own expertise and knowledge of the project.


No, ChatGPT cannot guarantee that your proposal will win the project. While ChatGPT can generate text that may be persuasive or relevant to the project, it cannot account for the specific needs and preferences of each client. Winning proposals require a combination of effective communication, relevant skills and experience, and a clear understanding of the project requirements.


ChatGPT can provide information on various topics and industries, but it may not be able to conduct in-depth research on a specific client or industry. Therefore, it’s important to conduct your own research and gather information from the project description and client communications to ensure that your proposal is tailored to their specific needs.


No, you should not rely solely on ChatGPT to write your proposals. While ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for generating ideas and inspiration, it should be combined with your own expertise and writing skills to create a personalized and effective proposal.


No, ChatGPT cannot replace human interaction with clients. While ChatGPT can generate text that may be persuasive or relevant to the project, it cannot replace the importance of building relationships with clients and understanding their specific needs and preferences.


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